Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Loneliness Things

I was home alone watching some tv serials on a Sunday noon, then I sent a text to my friend, “I’m home alone right now..”
Then, she replied my text from I-don't-know-where, saying “Well, I’m currently at a gathering surrounded by people, but I’m feeling lonely..”
So I said to her, “I guess we’re both all alone somehow..”

So here's the point. Sometimes we feel lonely because we are physically all alone at that moment. Other times we are in a crowd, yet we still feel the loneliness. It could be because we dont know anybody in the crowd, or because we know them but we don’t feel comfortable around those people, or maybe it’s simply because we just wish someone else was there with us.
there's nothing wrong with being alone
But the problem is it seems today that there must be something wrong with you if you’re alone. We praise the extroverts—those that know how to handle themselves in a crowd, the ones with vast network of friends. We think that working in groups and on teams is the only way to find the answer to a problem. That two heads are better than one. That “collaboration” is the only way of the future.
But the truth is that almost half of the world doesn’t agree. I don’t actually feel that way. Sometimes, the rhetoric gets so loud that I wonder what’s wrong with me when I don’t feel like going to parties, or working on big teams, or being the center of attention.

Sometimes you see your friends going out and wonder what’s wrong with you when you want to stay in. You see them collaborating on business projects together, and wonder if there’s something wrong with you because sometimes you prefer to work alone.

And the good news is, according to what I read in there’s nothing wrong with you. It just means that you are an introvert. And, according to some statistics, there’s about a 50% chance that you are, too.

Anw, there is great value in being alone. And handling it well is a beautiful thing.
At the very least, it’s a useful life skill. You can’t always control when there will be someone there for you, so being able to happily conduct yourself alone is an important part of being alive.

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Welcoming 2014

Hi there!

This post is bassically a typical new year post where most of people will start to post (again) in their blog.

Di tahun 2014 ini, saya ingin terus membaca serta menulis. Dan saya ingin menjadi pendengar yang baik. Mungkin saya tidak akan langsung berubah menjadi pendengar yang penurut, tapi saya akan menjadi pendengar yang lebih mau memahami dan mengerti.

Saya juga ingin menjadi pembicara yang mengerti kapan harus terus berbicara, namun juga paham kapan harus berhenti. Kapan saya harus terus berjuang dan mempertahankan, dan kapan saya harus melepaskan.

Yang pasti, saya berdoa sungguh-sungguh, agar di tahun 2014 ini saya tidak akan lagi menangis sedih, galau, jatuh dan terpuruk entah karena pengaruh eksternal maupun internal diri saya yang terkadang overthinking. Saya ingin tertawa bahagia dan membuat orang lain tertawa. Bukan hanya orang terdekat, tapi juga semua yang telah hadir dalam hidup saya. Saya ingin orang lain tetap percaya kepada ketulusan hati, seperti halnya saya (yang inginnya) selalu percaya pada ketulusan hati dan keberadaannya. Karena sejatinya,
"Good people bring out the good in other people"
Oh, betapa saya ingin 2014 ini, dan tahun-tahun berikutnya, dipenuhi oleh berbagai hal yang positif :’) aamiin.